There are no 'free trials', potential subscriptions or fees related to deploying it, which has converted me for life. Despite being the absolute best illustrating software on the market, Krita is 100% free to use, own and edit - it is fully open source, effectively meaning you, and everyone else, own it indefinitely. It marries the ease-of-use in Adobe Illustrator with some of the more complex brushes and rastering in Adobe Photoshop although I use both latter products daily, I use neither for illustration - that is Krita's domain.
Krita is the best software in terms of illustration that I've used in my 12+ years in the industry it is far more intuitive than competitors like Adobe Photoshop because Krita has been developed primarily as illustrating software.
Since there are no licensing requirements (even for large teams), the suite as a whole has saved us a small fortune, allowing us to divert our attention to our work, rather than worrying about expenses and whether or not our returns cover annual licenses. Myself and my team in our illustration department have been making thorough use of it for years, and couldn't be more satisfied with what it offers. Krita is a powerful (and free) illustration suite maintained by a large group of passionate artists and developers.